sneak peak: wedding plans

a shot from a movie I am making about my family; title: "unknown family in norway moves far east - is this the new frontier?"

and I thought, after that
but maybe one day someone will look at my love poems and say, wow, that girl had some insights, she really saw love for what it was, man, she grabbed love by the balls, cracked love down on the ground, looked deep into love's eyes while love was plastered to the floor, unable to move due to the sheer overwhelming strong yet feminine muscles of her upper arms, and she took love by the head and french-kissed love. Yeah, that was something love never recovered from, but was forever crippled by; her tender, flexing arm muscles gleaming with the salty sweat from her one thousand push ups, oh, she was strong, that lovely maid. Scratch that last part, but I have really been writing love poems - they're deep and complex and tackle some incredibly challenging topics such as loss, longing, despair, anguish, mystery, intrigue, murder, detective novels, art and life, whether juicing vegetables truly is good for you or just good for the juice-a-slush-producers, and yes, that is a real brand name, I live right next to their main outlet, and the pasty smell of carrot peels wafts into my room early every morning, god, it's terrible but it wakes me up. The reason it's almost always carrots is because carrots make you live longer and have lots of health benefits attached to them, but only if you peel them really early in the morning - it's got to do wit moon cycles and circadian cycles and god knows what, hence the pasty smell that you might have been surprised by earlier, which comes from the wax that builds up underneath the carrot skin during/throughout the night (central American time, so the Hungarian juicers have to open at 2 pm and close at midnight - a very unsustainable lifestyle, if you ask me, which is why there are no juicers in Hungary, none at all, and if you tell me you've seen one I know that you're lying for sure), which is why you should never eat carrots unpeeled (meaning, with the peel still on, it means that they are not yet peeled because no one has peeled them yet) early in the morning, unless you're in Hungary where they can afford to do that sort of thing but can't even maintain a decent juicery, if you ask me.