MULTIPLES. Chicago; and writing

I am back to blogging! The past few weeks have been a blur of going away and having visitors and trying to work and work out and see friends in between. Two weeks ago I went to Chicago for the Multiples Art Fair as one of the student in the show. 

These are the masks I showed: 

The fair consisted of many things: a panel discussion, several artists and crafters selling their stuff, performance and installations. One person gave me a t-shirt, and in exchange he got a mask. On the back was this message. 

I'm waiting to see what will come from this. 

A partial installation view. The chairs were set up like this on the first day, and the masks were inside the manila envelopes. 

Alyx Harch with a mask. I like how it impaired what we were saying and how we were communicating. 

I also made some henna! As I had brought some. This was not on myself, but on one of the other artists.

Something else that happened was that I collaborated with Saul Aguirre on an improvised performance with the masks. It was, for me, about communication and intimacy, something I was interested in exploring with the masks in the first place; 

I'm also selling the masks on Etsy now, so if you're interested, check it out.