
and then, as I survived,
another day, another night,
I held you bright
I held you tight
and there you were
right next to me
your skin translucent 
your eyes in the hollows of your elbows
i mean, they were shining
with a thousand fidgety glowing worms
crawling about
on the ocean's floor
there you were,
out of breath, out of style
yet none could say you looked the same
as you ever had before
you were new
a new person
there, there
come closer, you will be comforted
and a thousand eyes are closed
they will not see, and you will not be seen
and the letters written on your skin will disappear
in due time
as they come around
i hold them back, say, stop
this is not the way to go
you cannot go this way, i mean
but around and around
they end up at our front porch
did we want this? we say
we were just about to have breakfast! 
and now we have a thousand glowing worms at our door step
certainly doesn't inspire hunger
for those scrambled eggs we'd been making
in fact, I'd say my apetite is irrevocably lost!
ha-ha! would you look at that
there is nothing better
on a morning such as this
but look, i held you for hours since the sanctimonious and peachy pre-dawn
you were still asleep
but you stirred, for a while, as i embraced you
you were warm and dry
like a child
and i held you, there
i listened to your breath and gentle snores
there, there
slowly, they sunk
deeper and deeper and deeper until you had sunk so far into sleep you came back up for air
snapping like a little turtle for oxygen
still i held you
there, there! sweet one
there is nothing to be afraid of
it is always like this
and when the worms begin to eat away at our house
we know it's time to pack up and go
certainly won't be finishing those eggs, today
but take the ceramic bowls, i like them so
and so do you, i think
they're of swedish design
we cannot find them in many places, i think
but if you forget them
do not fret, for it is not important, really, not important at all!
when thinking about it
just bring a change of underwear and your passport
the maggots will have the rest
in fact, are we in our grave? for as i can recall, or rather
i cannot recall ever having seen these kinds of white-and-purple squirming ones anywhere else than in a grave
so perhaps then we are actually dead
i suppose it would make sense
i did hold you for a long time this morning
but perhaps that was just the morning
or the last one
i cannot remember... 
it seems to fade, a bit... drift off, so to speak... 
do you know several other people in this house? 
can we be there alone, too? sometimes
i know we should get to know other people, but i really need to spend some time with you
right now
this is the time for being sullen and quiet, i think
after all
in brief stints it comes to me
and then i can focus! say, hello! is that you, there?
i had forgotten...
long, lost... those were words of you

this could perhaps be seen so differently
and perhaps