scissors and scissors, knives and other knives, blunt and otherwise [running]

The back of a beading (lining) looks like a sweet potato ready to be baked! And I painted over writings on the wall. It was (is) ink, and then it was something else! Paint, white and grey and black. Writing this blog has also become somewhat of a strange thing; before I was writing for myself and whoever read it, but people now tell me about reading it, and I think, well, what are they reading, or, what are they looking at. So I will try to do something here, which is not go back to being oblivious (I do, after all, want people to read this, or appreciate it, or something), but to try writing about what I care about, not thinking what is expected. To be conscious and graceful, that is difficult, and I have a hard time with it. But it is also rewarding, perhaps? 

(Apropos, if you read Swedish, this is also great on a Monday February morning.)

Other things which are happening, and something I am sharing because I know people read this, is that I'll be in an "exhibition" (actually an art fair, but I sort of cringe when I write that) in Chicago in a few weeks. It's called Multiples, and it's on the 15th and 16th of March. I will be there doing something and showing something and interacting with someone! I am excited/scared/weirded out, since I feel half-conditioned to despise art fairs and other such commodifications. At the same time, I'm probably an attention prostitute and shameless self-promoter (I do, after all, write this blog), so I will go there and show something. Then write about it. 

To be honest, it's an art and craft fair. That makes me cringe even more, "why are you doing this?", but I also think it's kind of interesting to do things you're completely insecure about and which seemingly go against several values you tell yourself to have. Ahh, I'm just trying to justify this for myself and anybody reading... Updates on this to come.

I will continue writing about this as I process this, my battery is currently dying, so this post is not as long as I'd like it to be. There are also other things I'd like to write about, but that will be for the next post!