To be scared shitless, and being really, really cold

So I have arrived in New York! I came four days ago, and two days ago my program started. A brief introduction:

I go to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and I am doing a semester in New York. It's a studio residency program in Dumbo (underneath the Brooklyn bridge), where we get our own studios and work independently alongside 18 other students from art schools elsewhere in the United States. I have also moved into a little room, and installed myself accordingly:

Mmm, books. So delicious. I also have Norwegian chocolate, at least for a few more days, and even brown cheese. Was v. scared the first few days here; should I even be here, will I make good art, what if everyone's better than me, and so on and so forth. Fear have subsided, but have decided that being uncomfortable is a good thing.

Then, after that was done, I went to the Met and saw a great exhibition of Chinese ink art at the museum. This is Huang Yan's Chinese Landscape Tattoo No. 2 or No. 4:

And Xu Bing's The Written Word: Book from the Sky which was incredible. I'm probably jinxing myself by saying this, but I'd like to make something that makes me feel like this. And writing, and books, and paper.

I have also begun working in the studio... More pictures and updates to come on that note, but I think it will be a good semester. I've decided to keep a workbook yet again, as my high school art class prompted. It is good to write it down, which is why I decided to also blog about this experience. Processing something outside of my own mind is, for me, a healthy way of thinking about things.

We also went to the library at SVA (School of Visual Art) today, the school our program runs through. Amazing. Unfortunately, they have a great collection of manga. Good for me, not so good art- and career-wise! Had completely forgotten that Love Hina existed! Ok, back to work. MoMA next!

All photos are by me.