sound, playing and then, ando and ito

Christine Sun Kim, a sound artist: 

so I am thinking a little bit about sound, mainly because I recently made a piece about sound, sort of, and it is something I really don't know much about. It feels like technology to me, that scary thing he writes about in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, the it that 'romantics' are so terrified of... Because:

- I don't know how I am supposed to approach it. Differently from painting, which I am also not familiar with, I would... well, now that I think about it, maybe it's not that different. Learning something you are not already familiar with... 


sound entering not only through the ears, but through the whole body and the psyche (Christine Sun Kim paraphrased); she writes about owning the sound and erroding the barrier between those who know it and those who don't. 

Which is why I wanted to make this into a weaving:

melbourne tryouts
pics by me, weaving by me
sound by Hans

can I understand it better, then.

scenario: the weaving is slowly becoming unravelled through the sound: my sound and my brother's sound, or my re-make of it, potentially? or melbourne tryouts very loudly and very slowly, coming through speakers that agitate one thousand needles, pricking and pricking the fabric again... 

which reminds me of Kafka's In the Penal Colony:
thousands of needles piercing, making a pattern, torturing? unravelling, or rather, making it come apart; UNDO is a much better word, as it removes it a bit from the fabric, and many things can be undone, but not many things can be unravelled.

something my friend wrote to me about some time ago

Wait. Five months. Molecules all change. I am other I now. Other I got pound.Buzz. Buzz.But I, entelechy, form of forms, am I by memory because under everchanging forms.I that sinned and prayed and fasted.A child Conmee saved from pandies.
I, I and I. I.

I am not sure why, but seems relevant. another friend:

wild sound and room tone
tadao ando
and i am thinking about Tadao Ando, and here is a writing by Toyo Ito from a NUNO NUNO Book, which I wrote about before:

"Transparency, however, is not always so light and clear. We Japanese have willingly surrendered any opacity of self so as to blent into today's society. We live see-through lives, undistinguished from anyone else in an extremely streamlined regulating system. Urban Japan has become a convenience store peopled by instant snack foods wrapped in plastic and lined up on a shelf. We are more signs, wholly transparent, devoid of any scale of value. What's more, this mediocre transparent existence is entirely comfortable. And yet, as the individual in contemporary society turns ever more transparent, architecture and the city are becoming conversely more opaque.

One major characteristic of the contemporary city is that each space is utterly cut off from the next. Interiors portioned room from room, walls everywhere. Such perhaps is the destiny of social control: a vast homogenic cityscape is fragmented into places with almost no spatial interrelationships. This is especially true in commercial spaces, where divorcing the interior from the external environment facilitates dramatically 'staging' the premises. Spaces thick with shining products are clearly set up, when seen from a slight remove, on the basis of their uniformity and particularity; spaces seemingly so idiosyncratic are merely the accumulation of introspectively inflated fragments of homogeneity - this is today's city."

Yes, so that's that.
my friend who wrote about 

wild sound

room tone

gave me a book about sound... which i have only read a little about. now i will put this thought on pause, return to it when it has gone farther into my mind.