activism and larger ideas: ¡COLLABORATION OPPORTUNITY AHEAD!

Not having blogged in a while because sickness happened and I didn't want to leave my bed (although I did, but I kept grandma hours, naturally). I think this post should have a few different components, and I was wondering if I should just divide it into several post. 

Disclaimer: long and text-heavy post with a minimum of illustrations/photographs.

As I'm explaining that here, I obviously didn't do that, so instead I'll use all my cognitive skills (does that word even make sense here? likely not, however, I just learned it, and so will use it at any and all occasions until I understand what it actually means) to wrap this together in a way that'll make sense to more people than myself. Using shorter sentences and more full stops than commas.

One of the things I've been thinking about including in this blog is art criticism, what we love to have and hate to love...? Mainly because I'd do that (or a very amateur-ish version of it) in my workbook for art in high school, and since this is the "grown-up" online Workbook 2.0, I figured I should do that here. It was also because I went to a show yesterday, and realized I didn't really know how to digest it without writing about it. Just talking about it doesn't really do it, just because I can never really talk very well. 

But yay, I met Frog King Kwong! Here is a bragging picture to break up the text and offer some amusement. Artist to the left, me to the right.

However! That will be for another post! Otherwise, this one would be wayy too messy and huge, and I'd never publish it. So onto what I've been thinking about.

art activism: artist's spaces? the farm I come from? residencies?

Yes, that is it. And then a little embroidery: I want to make an exhibition/an artist residency in the very little place I come from called Nannestad, which is in Norway. It's not a city, hardly a village, more like a population of people scattered over a larger area of beautiful nature with ravines and forests and the like. Lovely, and quite different from the very flat Illinois landscape I've been spending the last two years in. I am applying for funding from Trafo, a pretty incredible foundation which supports young artists in several mediums, and many ways. They offer workshops, funding for projects and mentoring services (you send your stuff to someone who works within the field, and you either meet/skype/e-mail to get feedback - it's great.). Highly recommend it for anyone who is at all interested in visual arts, poetry, writing, dance, and so on and so forth. 

As for the details of this workshop/residency I want to arrange this summer, I'm not quite sure, and since I'm mainly working alone (save for my very supportive parents, of course), I need someone to bounce ideas off of, and perhaps even work with? So I am looking for a collaborator, preferably someone who is in Norway this summer, but don't let that stop you. I'm also up for virtual/online collaborations; even if you (in plural? singular?) chose not to be heavily involved in this, I would love feedback and ideas from people who are more or less experienced in this than I am. Although being less experienced probably is difficult. 

The idea is that I want to invite young and emerging artists to come make art in a rural environment in the East of Norway.

As this project grows and takes form and shape and succeeds and fails, I will try to keep this updated. For now I'm applying for funds, any money at all, and getting the idea down on paper. There are still so many things that are undecided, but as vague as this might be, writing about it will help it take shape and evolve into something I'm happy with.

E-mail me at for ideas, interests, funny videos or criticism! 

Nearing the end of this post I realize I will definitively have to do several posts about this topic of activism and larger ideas, as the workshop took up most of the space.

To be continued!