Winter Choir is an exploration of the collective, personal and ambiguous conceptions of Islam in Norway today, and is created as a performance series in three parts.
Winter Choir is an expansive public and political performance series where different choirs interpret recitations from the Quran. The choirs listen to Quran recitations through headphones which they immediately have to convey to the audience. The verses from the Quran are the same for all the choristers, who, in this project, are our only link to the raw material, and to Islam. They have not practiced, they have no expertise in this field, and still they have to translate this religious expression on the spot.
Winter Choir was performed by Oslo Domkor, Kvindelige Studenters Sangforening and Ensemble 96 in September and October 2017 in Oslo, Norway. The performances took place in Ekebergparken Sculpture park, Grønland church and Kulturkirken Jakob.
Winter Choir: Ekebergparken. 2017. Photo by Vegard Kleven.
Winter Choir: Ekebergparken. 2017. Photo by Vegard Kleven.
Winter Choir: Kulturkirken Jakob. 2017. Photo by Vegard Kleven.
Winter Choir: Kulturkirken Jakob. 2017. Photo by Vegard Kleven.
Winter Choir: Grønland kirke. 2017. Photo by Vegard Kleven.
Winter Choir: Grønland kirke. 2017. Photo by Vegard Kleven.