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Couple of tidbits: I'm organizing a show of my own work in Norway in about four weeks time!
This is obviously thrilling and seems completely counterintuitive, and lots of second thoughts are announcing their arrival but I guess that's the regular gist of it. 

I even went totally professional and used part of my grant to get postcards printed. If you can't see that's my gorgeous eye peeking out at you. The grant money was given to me by Trafo, a lovely little organization in Norway that supports young artists by arranging workshops, offering mentorship by and feedback from professional artists, as well as GIVING OUT MONEY TO DO STUFF, which is the best part. So thank you!

I naturally went all out and post-ordered beads. 

I have also seen Ai Wei Wei! In London! He has a giant show up, and I was lucky enough to see it. Enormously impressive, though parts of it were kind of flat, in my opinion. Video about steel bars and earthquake top-notch, though!

Hope to be updating more soon, but for now the show is consuming most of my time not spent in school!