wheyy, I can bind my own toes! and hand-sow

Okay, I have been terrible at updating this, and writing in general. The days go by in a blur (and so on and so forth), and time is speeding up more and more. It is v. weird to think that I've now been in this program for almost one month, well, three weeks. What have I done so far? Not much, to be honest. Probably spent too much time on my computer. 

Which means I do "lots" of research!

Triplegangers by Lee Perry Smith; he works with 3D modeling and scanning, mainly for the adult entertainment industry. The interview is not that interesting in itself, more the idea of scanning our bodies to be used in cyberspace. That is probably already done, or at least I imagine it to, in very lifelike videogames, for example. I'd like to make an avatar of myself on the internet, so maybe I'll take up gaming too? (Research leads me to interesting places - I'm also planning to take a class in aerial silks)

I've drawn over the contour lines (?) with a normal pen. Reminds me of this, which I wrote about earlier:

From an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum, which was very good. I think it was about men falling from the sky due to skin, The Fall of Man, or something of the sort.

I love the web over the skin, the web that is digital or made up or simply from drawing. Not sure why, it's just very attractive. An "invisible" web that encompasses me, like a digital cyberskin, veeery cool.

Since we're on the topic of cyberskin, here's an excerpt from The Melancholy of Mechagirl, by Catherynne M. Valente:

I mean yeah
My crystal fingers are laser-enabled
light comes out of me
like dawn. Bright orangecream
sizzling tangerine deathglitter. But what
does it mean? It this really
a retirement plan?
   All of us Company Girls
sitting in the company home
in our giant angular titanium suits
knitting tiny versions of our robot selves
playing poker with x-ray eyes
crushing the teakettle with hotlilac chromium fists
every day at 3?

It's from the first story, or part, which is called the same as the book/collection.
I like it a lot, because

the font

And I can think about a lot of things which I didn't know I could think about. Hard to explain: why can't my artwork just be me reading from my favourite books? I'd enjoy it so much, and research would be a breeze (or just, breezier).

What else, what else have I done... Oh yes:

I made a "lantern" or a "shape" or something of the sort, out of a very nice material I found. It's lining for a fabric, but I like it on it's own - a lot like paper-fabric, fragile and fun to put in water and bead on. So not fragile after all. 

Is it a ghost? Who knows.

And some things I've seen which have been pretty interesting: 

Calligraphy in mud and wetness, footprints from lotsa people.

My foot, tied up? Not sure where this is going.

Will try to get back to more regular posts, it helps to keep me sane. Otherwise life is basically art, work out, art, work out, talk to someone, work out, etc.