Like diamonds we are cut with our own dust, -john webster, the duchess of malfi

I don't know what to write this about. As I'm writing I am also listening to a radio-documentary on NRK; it's a Norwegian radio program about a man who finds himself sitting next to Harvey Keitel at a meditation seminar. But it's not, and I don't really understand it. That is okay. 

Trying to work, I like listening to Norwegian radio, especially documentaries. Half-listening, half-writing, it's sort of an interesting challenge to myself. 

As previously mentioned, I sowed a mask from lining, and now I'm beading it. Not very satisfied or happy with how it is so far. Perhaps the topic isn't very charged - I was beading my ex-boyfriends picture previously, and this face is anonymous. Do I really need an emotional investment to do this kind of work? Otherwise, they are just delicate and colorful little beads, very pretty and all.

A view of my studio, with stolen ropes and such, I'm thinking about webs and nets and ropes and that. I had a studio visit that was quite intense and long a few days ago, and he guessed that I was a pastor's daughter. I laughed and said no, but it's sort of accurate. Thinking about 'heavy' or, to me, very loaded and taboo-type topics is a release from the minute and obsessive work I usually do. It is to fall back on something, and then to fall back on something else, that happens, and it seems like a pendulum swinging back and forth between two 'extremes,' or something. 

Here are the drawings, now like little leaves. 

Will be transformed to three-dimensional forms, I think. 

On to Norwegian radio, and some or other form of sowing.