totally starstruck and trying to pretend that I also have OCD

I made another ink drawing, something more like a sideways torso this time. It takes a few hours to make one of these, since they're still not too large. I pasted this one up on the wall too...

And the next morning I took it off, as it somehow hadn't come off by itself.

The "skin" after, shed from the wall, is somehow much, much more satisfying (also upside-down) than the original paper, and even the paper on the wall, as if it goes through some strange metamorphosis, an evolution, from drawn and cut out (good enough) -> pasted to the wall with water (the delight can be felt at this moment, I relish!) -> the wrinkled and debilitated paper is a little less sturdy now, that it's off the wall, some impressions left on the back of it.
Incredibly satisfying.

So, on my way home last night from an event hosted by Asymptote at Housing Work Cafe (they interviewed Anne Carson, which already makes me shiver and remember the time when I met her*) (which was v. good, especially when the translator of Bei Dao and Jorge Luis Borges came up... He was v. funny, and had a good pick-up line about asymptotes ("Girl, you must be an asymptote, because I just find myself getting closer and closer to you!") which is automatically a plus in my book, especially if that person is 50+, and not actually hitting on anybody.

Back to the point. After this event I was on my way home, and I was thinking about a failed photo installation I tried making at the end of this last semester, to wit, Ann Hamilton's corpus. It was an installation at Mass MoCA, where there were a series of machines (seen at the top of the photo below), regularly dropping papers made from onionskin. I never saw it (but hoping and praying), but I imagine it must be quit extraordinary.

Image found here. I suppose the reason it reminds me of it is because 1. I subconsciously like to associate all of what I make, no matter how insignificant and minute, somehow relates to some or other great artist's work that I admire and aspire to be like, and 2. because of papers falling. I am not sure if I should continue with this project, as it seems too similar to what I've been doing before, and shouldn't I go totally crazy and do something very unlike myself? I am genuinely curious, but might just continue doing this as some sort of exercise to see how long I can do it for, how patient I can be (not very), and if I can find out anything else from it.

 *she came down from the sky in an apparition. Some people say this never happened to me. (she actually signed two copies of her books for me, but she looked at me when I said thanks. V. starstruck)