Thoughts on Bill T. Jones at the Chicago Humanities Festival

Bill T. Jones spoke at the Chicago Humanities Festival! And I went to see it! I have not seen anything he has made, as a matter of fact, but I knew it had to be good, as trusted friends ensured me of his... genius, or something of the sort? 

Image found here.

It was a great talk, or conversation. I don't know what to make of what they were talking about - it spanned from his growing up to the trauma narrative (which I didn't know about before yesterday) to self-management, or rather directing ourselves to be managed by someone, and also the fact that the conversation happened on the South Side of Chicago - but I want to write about what it made me want to do, which I had largely forgotten since this summer! 

(or what I want to think about and write about and make work about)

- ritual and memory, and how we distort memory, or how memory is distorted time, crumpled up in all sorts of weird ways; I recently had a strange discovery of my own memory being "false," meaning that I do not entirely trust my own memory of something anymore; things happen that make us reconsider the present, the future, and also the past, which is quite scary. where do we put the trust in time?

> this above point is connected to beadings, since they are about memory, for me. what do I remember of this one person, or this one moment, and how do I change it? since I work on it for so long, does my memory of it change during the process, and how can I see that?

- ritual and repetition; DANCE, WEAVING. Textiles and movements are already married faithfully in my mind, and they live together there, but now I need to take it out of my fingertips, somehow. 

- labor of love? labor-intensivity? invisible labor? ; in relationships, family relations, love relations: how do we labor and how is it seen? I like to think about love although I am afraid of it.

- music, and more so, sound. I need to read the Whitechapel-book Jordyn gave to me about sound, alongside with Memory, Failure and Chance. how can I express my brother's music in a weaving? how can I express someone else's labor through my own? will write more about this as weaving progresses and project is revealed. 

- organizing the dance workshop at Låke summer 2014. will write more about this when I am more certain of things, but don't want to eat my words later.

- technology, weaving, dance, performance. list over people to research: Bill T. Jones, Lee Blalock. list to be expanded as research deepens. 

- a dance as a treatment; sterilization in the meaning of being free from bacteria, and cleanliness, sterility.

will come back to this.